Updates the on-call entry for a given team.


PUT https://www.squidalerts.com/api/teams/{teamId}/oncall

URI Parameters

pathTrueGuidIdentifier of the team

Request Body

onCallTypeTruestringAllowed values: "Primary" or "Secondary" or "Tertiary" or "Manager"
TrueGuidThe primary key of the user account that will be on-call
startTimeTrueDateTimeWhen the resource will start their on-call rotation in UTC. This value will also be used to search the existing on-call entry that falls on or after this range.
Example: 2023-05-01T15:00:00Z
endTimeTrueDateTimeWhen the resource will end their on-call rotation in UTC. This value will also be used to search the existing on-call entry that falls on or before this range.
Example: 2023-05-17T15:00:00Z



    "onCallType": "Primary",
    "accountId": "2d402c9b-7c83-44aa-9eea-3af0c62e3658",
    "startTime": "2023-05-01T15:00:00Z",
    "endTime": "2023-05-17T15:00:00Z"

Response codes

HTTP Status CodeDescription
204Success - Update is successful
Failure  - One or more input parameters are missing or invalid
401Failure - Token is missing/ invalid. User performing update have insufficient privileges
404Failure - On-Call entry not found. Check input parameters
500Failure - Something went wrong while performing update. Please try again in sometime and report issue if problem persists